Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Yarn Addiction Update #1

It's been over a month since I first posted about my wool buying addiction. I am pleased to announce I have managed a whole May without buying any yarn!

I was especially proud of myself today, I walked past The Wool Shop (my supplier!) and I could hear it calling to me. I looked in the bargain tubs outside the shop, felt a few balls of the most interesting yarn, including some really lovely ribbon yarn for £1.50 a ball, glanced longingly through the door at the rows of lovely yarns inside and walked away! Now, I know I'll never be completely cured, and to be fair I am now feeling an empty sense of loss in my heart but I'm still very proud of myself.

My name is Loo and I am a wool addict.


Barbara Bradford said...

I am so proud of you ! Except this morning on the news it was talking about global inflation. So if yarn prices are going to go up, I really need to stock up. Do you set up projects to use up certain yarns?

How good was the yarn sale? LOL

Louise said...

I've started to find projects for suitable yarns. I tend to buy on impulse and I'm a bit like a magpie when it comes to bright colours!

They've always got lots of yarn on sale so it's really a hard temptation to resist!!