Thursday, 24 December 2009
My Dog in his Christmas Jumper
Thursday, 17 December 2009
I'm still here!
In other news the dog now has a fluffy sweater (he's a greyhound so I'm sure you can imagine how ridiculous he looks in a jumper made from fun fur!). Plus I've made a Christmas present (big hat for a big head) and am halfway through making a pair of mittens for my mum-in-law (I settled for crocheted though as it works up faster).
Finally I had the following conversation with my Other Half last Saturday
Him: I wish I had a Santa hat
Me: I could make you one
Him: Please
By Sunday afternoon he was wearing a crocheted Santa hat which he wore to walk the dog in, the dog who was still wearing his fluffy jumper!
Here's a very rough pattern (although really they're more 'loose instructions' so don't blame me if it all goes horribly wrong! Also, this is crocheted in the round which I love so use a stitch marker if you need one - I never do, I think I like making life difficult for myself!
Using red yarn I started with a chain joined with a ss that was the head circumference, crocheted sc until near the top of the head then reducing as follows:
first reducing row: 2sctog 7sc to end
next row: sc
next row: 2 sc tog 6sc to end
next row: sc
next row: sc
next row: 2 sc tog 5sc to end
next row: sc
next row: 2 sc tog 4sc to end
next row: sc
next row: sc
next row: 2 sc tog 3sc to end
next row: sc
next row: 2 sc tog 2sc to end
next row: sc
next row: sc
next row: 2 sc tog 1sc to end
next row: 2sctog (repeat this row until few enough stitches remain to join together) leave long tail.
Join white yarn at the wide end of the hat. Sc enough rows to make rim of hat (I did about 8 I think) weave in end
Make white pompom secure with long tail at pointy end of hat.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Tasteless Amigurumi
I made him to honour everything that's horrible about periods and also to cheer myself up while I was on my period. He's crocheted and is in a suitably bad mood.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Wool Craft Update
I've made one pair of mittens using a pattern that's so old the price was in shillings and pence (well, just one shilling to be completely accurate). They're a combination of knit and crochet for minimum boredom and they're a purple colour (because that was the colour that was nearestwhen I decided to try the pattern!) They're a good fit and are very warm, it's nice to know that hand sizes haven't changed much since decimalisation!! The main hand bit is double crochet so they're lovely and thick. The thumb is stockinette stitch and the cuff is k1, p1 rib.
I'm making a knitted square blanket, making7" knitted squares. So far I've got 12 squares, I'm doing this blanket when I'm too tired to concentrate but not so tired I don't want to knit. the colours are beiges and browns with a bitof white thrown in for extra measure!
I'm in the middle of a zigzag baby blanket using a pattern found at Attic24. I'd find you a link to the exact pattern but to be honest I thoroughly recommend reading her blog and finding it yourself as she has lots of other lovely thigns you'll probably want to try! Speaking of which I've now made 3 little crochet birds just for my general amusement, find the pattern on her site it's fun and quick to do!
I'm still on with the Entrelac scarf which I'm enjoying but can't always be bothered doing after a busy day. Plus there's always so many other patterns to try... why is there never enough hours in a day?
Finally I'm making a woolly hat for the Other Half who has a bit of a hat fetish. I've cast on 92 stitches and am knitting until it measures about 9" I'll then do a few rows of k2 together until there's few enough stitches to thread the end through, gather and sew down the side. It's an olive green colour and is so far about 3" from cast on.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Knitted? I Think You'll Find That's Crochet
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
New Template
It'll probably change a lot in the coming days. Please let me know if it's not displaying correctly or if there's any bits you think I should change!
Thanks :-)
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Can't Talk. Busy
All I think about is Entrelac. Is there a support group? Entrelac anonymous?
The funny thing is I'd always discounted it as something that looked too complicated. I was wrong. if you can knit, purl, increase and decrease you can Entrelac.
Curse you Entrelac, knitting will never be the same again...
Friday, 25 September 2009
Hats and Soup
This meant my Other Half started moaning at me as he also wants one, so i am now halfway through my third, it should be very useful for him as he can wear it round his neck when he rides his motorbike and tie it in a hat when he gets off it.
I recommend the pattern, it's easy to follow and works up quickly unless you have distractions, which I do as this week we decided to buy...
...A SCALEXTRIC SET!!!! I've never had one and always wanted one, so we set it up in the living room and have been racing each other like big kids all week. We've also bought two track extension kits and 2 more cars. We decided to get some cheaper cars until the dog gets more used to it; there truly is nothing funnier than a greyhound trying to catch a F1 racing car. It is not funny when he manages and the spoiler drops off!
In between races last night I had to make some food. We've been a bit slack this week and couldn't be bothered to go to the supermarket. I looked through the cupboards and managed to find the following:
- potatoes (about 4)
- onions (2)
- courgettes (2)
- a vegetable stock cube (made about 400ml of stock)
- butter
- milk (225ml)
- parsley
- salt and pepper
From it I made my first ever 'cream of' soup. I loosely followed this recipe and it was delicious! Better still, there's enough for tonight with a crusty loaf I've bought today!
Friday, 18 September 2009
Granny Squares on the Red Carpet
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
A Tribute To Pointless Wool Crafts
In fifth place it may be quirky but it's also slightly pointless unless you are bald, in either way I'm not sure you'd want this knitted wig from Knitty
In fourth place there's this lot of crazy fools who think they're being the Knitting world's answer to Banksy with their random knitted graffiti nonsense. "Oh but it's cute they argue" "How can you be offended by knitting?" Well, quite easily when you've knitted up my bloomin' post box thanks a bunch now I have to walk half a mile to post my letter or frog this huge piece of craziness. Now take your yarn and your needles and go make something practical like a jumper.
In third place it's this little annoyance. There's no pattern but it's probably for the best.All I can say is Christ no! Take the hat off the dog. I'll repeat, just in case you misunderstood: take the hat off the dog.
In second place I choose crocheted food. Any kind of crocheted food is pointless, you can't eat it, you're too big to play let's pretend. A project that really is pointless are these crochet cupcakes from Bitter Sweet. I can't enjoy their sugary goodness because they are made of blinking WOOL.
At number one it's this knitted toilet roll from Mochimochi Blog the only possible purpose for this would be to put it on your loo roll holder in order to torture a friend or relative. You can't use it but you'll need to use something, I can see this practical joke ending one of two ways: stinky knitting project or stinky friend, either way you're not going to be pleased you made it.
The Special Award for making me want to kill myself for ever even owning knitting needles goes to this:
Apparently by an artist called Guido Daniele he is now on my hit list. This is wrong for the following reasons:
- Bikes should not be pink
- Bikes should not be knitted
- Pink bikes are not art
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Yarn Drought
Recently I've been struggling to find an inspiring project, this in turn puts me in a bad mood as I'm not the kind of person that can just sit and watch TV. So I'm on the hunt for projects that are enjoyable to knit or crochet. Does anyone out there have any old favourites? Any suggestions? I need help to get my knitting mojo back!!
Thursday, 13 August 2009
When My 2 Hobbies Collide
If you are up for the tiniest contribution in the biggest knitted poem ever check it out.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Making Knitting Charts
I've been using this chart for a teddy-bear baby blanket but thought it would be fun to try and make my own. I'm hoping to make some designs soon and if they work out I might share them!
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Crochet Baby Cardigan
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Scarf Request / Crochet Book Review
Don't get me wrong, it's got some interesting patterns and ideas in it and the how to do stitches and what yarn is what section is very good but I don't like the way all the pictures are in the middle of the book. You have to keep flicking around to see if the creation you've made looks anything like the one the designer had in mind.
I finished the Market Bag project a few days ago, unfortunately in my wisdom I used acrylic yarn instead of cotton, the result is a market bag which stretches to look like a badminton case whenever you put anything even slightly weighty in it. But, as I found the project easy enough to follow I thought I'd have a go at the preppy/hippy scarf.
The preppy/hippy scarf is a very easy pattern, so easy in fact it beggars belief anyone bothered to write it down. To summarise: make long chain leave long tail at each end hdc every row with different colour leaving long tail at each end for fringing. Then when it's wide enough add some more fringing for good measure.
I'm small (UK size 10/12 to be precise) but make everything medium just in case, the shrug was very narrow and pretty uncomfortable to wear. I frogged it. I think the author must be a size Zero as when making the scarf I immediately found it was nowehere near long enough in the pattern so made my foundation chain at least 20 chains longer, even now I wish it was longer. I've got two more leave a tail hdc along leave a tail rows to do tonight and then it's done and I can send it to my Facebook friend.
Maybe all my projects should be based on "please can you make me a" as I've actually had fun with this. All in all I prefer to get my patterns online, some of the free stuff out there is amazing. I'm not sure I'll bother getting any more crochet books. The only other crafts books I have are a 1980s Elle knitting pattern book, a 70s crafts book with knitting, crochet, macrame and a whole load of other crafts in and finally 'Two Balls or Less' a book which i admit i bought for the amusing name more than anything!
Monday, 6 July 2009
I Will Be Back
I will blog soon
Loo x
Friday, 26 June 2009
Shared Moments
I found this today it made me smile so I thought I’d share it.
Of course if you’re having your home repossessed I can only apologise; I’ve probably depressed you even more.
No time for wool so far today, although last night I was knitting a summer top. It’s circular knitting which actually bores me senseless, luckily I have a stripe pattern to follow to keep me awake!
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Say No To Pollen!
In other news I got my first haircut in over a year the other day. Only a few inches off but at least I can happily run a brush through it now:
Haircut: 1 Phobia of Hairdressers: 0
It's true, I hate having my hair cut. I think it stems from my anxiety, up until recently when I had the wonderful triple-therapy for stomach ulcers I'd get the most nervous stomach whenever I was doing anything remotely different or exciting. This nervous stomach would make me feel sick, I very seldom was sick but it was still enough to put me off doing things. I still get a bit of a nervous tummy but it's much better. Now there are two things I still don't enjoy doing, the first is going out for a meal, because feeling sick with excitement/nerves is not conducive to enjoying a hearty meal and the second is getting my haircut.
It's crazy, I know but I think it's something to do with being stuck in the chair, with that silly shawl thing round my neck and someone looking at me (well, my hair). I know I can't really leave as I need my whole hair cutting, not just part of it, this thought then festers in my brain as I feel increasingly queasy and aware that I can't actually run away. I've never been sick, and I probably never will but me repeating that fact in my head doesn't detract from the fact that it's an altogether uncomfortable experience for me.
I was lucky that my haircut was the result of a hairdressing student desperately needing a model, I had no time to think or panic, before I knew it I was sat in the chair being pruned. Albeit gulping like a madwoman, looking petrified! But the whole ordeal was soon over, the student did a good job and my hair looks all the better for it.
I'm going to have to let them practice on me more often. I'm the perfect candidate really, I'm not bothered about what I look like so I'm not scared of students making a hash of it. In fact, when asked by any hairdresser throughout my life how I want my hair cutting my standard response is "I don't know, whatever. Just no split ends."
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Finished Item of the Week
Anyway, it fits and it's sunny so I'm wearing it!
It is longer when I'm stood up, I think it gathered and rode up a bit when I laid down. I used about 150g of yarn (if memory serves me correctly) and I just used some cheap acrylic, possibly mix that I got from the wool shop of addiction. Speaking of which I went in last week and got 5 balls, 4 black acrylic mix to make the Other Half a poncho once mine's done and one variegated yarn that took my fancy. I hope I've not renewed my insane addiction!
Monday, 15 June 2009
Ponchos are best
I love vintage patterns and I was really pleased to find this one, it’s working up well and as usual I’m messing about with the colour scheme slightly giving it more random sized stripes (I just can’t resist the temptation to Loo-ify patterns!).
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Busy Blogger
The new furniture has sent me on a mad tidying spree. As a result I've had no time to do projects I've been wanting to and less time to blog. I have made muself a water bottle holder for when I'm out waling as there's nothing more annoying than losing the use of a hand to a bottle of water!
I'm afraid I haven't had time for pictures, but I thought I'd share the pattern. Hopefully it'll work for you. Let me know if you have any feedback!
Crochet Water Bottle Carrier
You will need:
Approx 75g of standard weight yarn
4mm hook
Round 1: ch3, hdc 7 in third chain from hook. Join with sl st into first stitch
Round 2: ch 2 hdc 2 in each hdc join with sl st into first stitch
Round 3: ch 2 hdc 2 in each hdc join with sl st into first stitch
Round 4: using front loop hdc in each hdc
Then ch 2 and hdc in each hdc in back loop for each following round until piece measures approx 6" join with sl st and weave in ends. Make strap by chaining desired length of chain. Sc in each ch, ch 1 to turn at end of each row. Stop when you think it's wide enough.
Sew on strap on inside of bottle holder. Stick in a bottle of water and go for a walk!
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Yarn Addiction Update #1
I was especially proud of myself today, I walked past The Wool Shop (my supplier!) and I could hear it calling to me.
My name is Loo and I am a wool addict.
Monday, 1 June 2009
Too Hot To Crochet
I did make some little baby bootees for one of the zillion people I know who seem to have got themselves or their partner pregnant over the last couple of months (I think there's something in the water). I don't have pictures but the pattern is here and it's very easy. I made a pair within an hour. I was going to crochet some more but the heat had made me far to ratty to concentrate. Instead I went inside and fell asleep on the sofa!
Monday, 25 May 2009
Knitted Baby Blanket
Friday, 22 May 2009
Easy Folded Bag
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Finished and Photographed
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Ravelry Adventures
If anybody else wants to find me I am here feel free to add me. I'd add you but I'm honestly still struggling to get to grips with it. The buttons really aren't where I'd put them! I can navigate round the site but I can't help but feel like I'm taking the scenic route!
I'm hoping to get a new camera at the weekend, we're also going to get a new hard-drive and format the PC which should mean I can start putting pictures of things I've been making up again (unless the new camera hates me too!).
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Give Me Wool Over Technology Any Day
I'm really annoyed as I have some lovely pictures of the Leeds-Liverpool canal and a Mandarin duck all of which need rotating 90 degrees to prevent blog-reader neck-strain. I've also finished the dog bed (which was remarkably well timed as I finished it just after he decided to throw up on his old one, aren't dogs lovely?!) and I've made some bags. I'm now on with a baby blanket. None of which I can post so instead here is a picture of a donkey courtesy of Google images.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Still Hooking!
I want to start making some other things but I'm determined to finish the dog bed first. This is why I have a distinct lack of finished items to blog about.
I'm off now to take some deep cleansing breaths before I start single crocheting again. The dog better bloomin' like it!!
Friday, 1 May 2009
Must... Stop... Buying... Yarn...
My sofa had disappeared!
I set to it, putting all the yarn back in in neat little balls, organised roughly by shade and thickness cursing my quite apparent addiction. When I saw my neat yarn stash all balled up and pretty I decided enough was enough. I am now on a temporary yarn purchasing ban.
Of course the 5 balls I bought before I tidied my stash don't count. I mean they were only 50p a ball so how could they?
My name is Loo and I am a yarnoholic. Realising it is the first step.
(please note pictures do not include massive box full of embroidery thread and bag full of various coloured plastic bag yarns I set about creating mid last year)
Friday, 24 April 2009
Mobile Hangers
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Crocheted Rabbit
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Normal Transmissions Will Now Be Resumed
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Granny Square Bag
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Crochet Project
You've got to love Easter!
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Summer Gypsy Wrap
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Big Needles Little Interest
“Pardon” asks the cashier
“0.35% on my Individual Savings Account down from 4.5%? I assume it’s some kind of April Fools joke.”
I didn’t say that, obviously but I have been seething all day. The government’s response to banking industry’s piss poor lending strategy over the last few years is to make it so that these complete numpties (who have borrowed 10 times their annual salaries to buy houses they can’t afford) get to pay back their debts at 2 pence a month. While I get absolutely nothing for being prudent and saving up while living in a bloody caravan instead of buying a house I can’t afford. It’s enough to make you want to withdraw all your money and stuff it in your mattress. We should all do that, that’ll screw them.
Away from fiscal matters I’ve finished my wrap. I tried to get the OH to take a picture of me yesterday in the sunshine but he seemed to want to place more emphasis on his motorbike in the back of the photo rather than the lovely wrap I’d spent 4 days making. Honestly, if you want anything doing right, do it yourself.
I’m now on the hunt for very thick knitting needles. I have a 1cm crochet hook but I find crocheting on that scale very confusing. I want some at least 15mm in diameter. I’ve found these wooden ones but can’t help wanting something a bit more colourful, exciting and possibly even bigger. I found these but can’t help thinking they look a bit rubbishy. I’ve also heard of Speed Stix but can’t find a UK stockist and there’s no way I’m paying import duty on knitting needles. The other option is to buy some dowel and try and make my own…
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Knitting Frustration Defined
Friday, 27 March 2009
French Knitting: Not As Sexy As It Sounds
Here are my instructions on How To Do French Knitting:
Start with a slip-knot around one of the prongs with the tail end of your wool through the centre, wind the long end of the wool once round the other prongs, turning the reel as you work. Once you've gone round them all wrap your wool around the pins above the loops already on your prongs. Use a blunt needle (French knitting kits usually come with a plastic pin) to pick up the bottom loop on the first prong and pull it over the top loop. Repeat this and keep pulling very gently downwards on the tail end of your original loop to work your knitting through the plastic jobby (I'm sure it's got a name).
Thursday, 26 March 2009
ROFL of the Week
What's the best way to irritate your parents while you are backpacking round the world?
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
More Hats
Next I've got my chunky knitted hat. I meant to take note this time and record the pattern accurately, instead I got mesmerised by the variegated yarn and lost track.
- Leaving a 12" tail C/O 90 stitches . Work 3" in k1 p1 rib.
- Work 7 1/2" in k1 row p1 row (I can never remember what stitch that is).
- Then for the next couple of rows work 2 stitches together until you have 6 stitches remaining.
- Cut the yarn with a good couple of feet of yarn spare, thread this through the 6 stitches remaining on your needles.
- Pull tight and use this to sew up w/s of hat. Use the 12" tail at the start of the knitting to sew up the r/s of the brim.
- Weave in ends
- Job done - put hat on
- Go for a walk
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Move along, nothing to see here...
The rest of the time I've been frogging. I now have just the vermilion vest creation disaster thing to frog and that will be it. Yarn recycling can commence.
I've also unpicked my French knitting experiment, I was making a vertical striped blanket but I've decided it will be better as a circular rug come blanket come circular yarn artwork piece.
Now it's time for my MAJOR FRUSTRATION OF THE WEEK ALERT: Remember this blanket? The culmination of a decade and a half's laziness? Well the Other Half only went and found a square I'd missed! One solitary bloody square. What the heck do I do with that? And don't you dare say another blanket!
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
The Latest Hat
Monday, 16 March 2009
Crocheted Baby Hat Free Pattern
3.5mm crochet hook. Standard weight yarn (I’ve made one with 35g of wool if the felt-tipped label on the yarn was done by someone who can actually use scales!).
Round 1: In 3rd chain from hook do 7 sc. Join to 1st sc with sl st
Round 2: Ch1, 2 sc in each sc
Round 3: Ch1, *2 sc in first stitch 1 sc in next stitch* (*repeat until end of round), join to 1st sc with sl st
Round 4: Ch1, *2 sc in first stitch then 1 sc in next 2 stitches* (*repeat until end of round), join to 1st sc with sl st
Round 5: Ch1, *2 sc in first stitch then 1 sc in next 3 stitches* (*repeat until end of round), join to 1st sc with sl st
Round 6: Ch1, *2 sc in first stitch then 1 sc in next 4 stitches* (*repeat until end of round), join to 1st sc with sl st
Round 7: Ch1, *2 sc in first stitch then 1 sc in next 5 stitches* (*repeat until end of round), join to 1st sc with sl st
Round 8: Ch1, *2 sc in first stitch then 1 sc in next 6 stitches* (*repeat until end of round), join to 1st sc with sl st
Round 9: Ch1, *2 sc in first stitch then 1 sc in next 7 stitches* (*repeat until end of round), join to 1st sc with sl st
Next rounds: ch 1 sc in each stitch, join to 1st sc with sl st - repeat until piece measures about 7” long.
Sew up side seams, fold over brimmy bit. Give to baby.
Please note I have only tested this once so if it doesn’t work out right please let me know (but don’t be too harsh I’m quite sensitive!!)
Friday, 13 March 2009
Crocheted baby hat
'I could make that' I thought to myself, so I had a go at a crocheted baby hat. This was one of my no-pattern specials. I love making things up as I go along, especially when they turn out all cute like this one. It measures about 7inches long (and a similar width at the widest part) when laid flat. I'm making another and trying to take more nitce of how I did it so I can share the pattern with you.
In case you're wondering my house is not lined with marble. I actually took this picture by putting the hat on top of the gas fire, it is a fake marble surround!
Monday, 9 March 2009
Pink Elephants
I'd like to introduce you to my new little friend.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Another Cookie Weekend!
To say it was successful would be an understatement; my second batch is cooing as I type. Here is the recipe in case you're in a biscuitty mood!
- 115g butter
- 115g light brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 1tsp ground cinnamon
- 150g self-raising flour
- 50g porridge oats
- 120g sultanas
- Cream the butter and sugar together. Add the egg and beat well.
- Sift flour into the bowl and fold it in with a metal spoon.
- Add oats and sultanas and mix well.
- Dollop the mixture onto greased baking trays leaving gaps for spreading.
- Cook on 15-20 mins gas mark 5 (bottom of my oven) until golden brown.
- Leave on baking tray for a few mins then transfer to a wire rack to cool. Or eat while still warm as the other half seems to enjoy doing!!
Friday, 6 March 2009
No Wool Week
Being so tired I can't be bothered crafting or blogging makes me sad. To cheer me up I found this:
If you have a cat you want to dress up and laugh repeatedly at you can find the pattern here. Oh how I wish I had a cat, maybe I could alter it for the dog...
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Le Knitting Francais
How I wish I had one of these instead of my pink plastic one:
But, what do you do with French knitting? Other than make several meters of brightly coloured rope?! I’ve started joining it together into another blanket (you know where you are with blankets) with a crocheted slip-stitch but other than that I’m at a loss.
I’ve had a look on the internet and came across this site which has lots of lovely spools but not much to do with the. Does anyone out there do French knitting?
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
I'll Have To Get Used To It
We’ve had the following conversation in the past:
“My hair’s getting on my nerves, it’s all knotty!”
“Well get it trimmed then”
“What if I get it cut short?”
“I’d be upset - I like it long”
“Well what if I get it like Johnny Depp in that film where he loses his eyes?”
“Once upon a time in Mexico? Yes, that’s not too short”
“Ok, that’d be better…”
Short back and sides later we are now having this conversation:
“Why are you upset?”
“I don’t like it, I preferred it long.”
“But why are you upset?”
“Why are you surprised? I told you I would be… you had the Captain Jack Sparrow thing going on, it was sexy. Now you have the random bloke in the street haircut that everyone has”
“So-and-so likes it”
“So-and-so isn’t going out with you…”
I’m looking for hat patterns…
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Weekend Yarn Fun
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Chunky Knitted Hat
I am thrilled with the result, it's by far the warmest hat I own. It's also really thick as I've used small needles compared to the chunky wool I used. Every time I wear it people complement me on it - plus, as you can see from the picture it also serves as a useful tool for finding out which way the wind is blowing!
Why are knitting needles all a standard length anyway?